Started by WoomyRogue

One buck for large Powerade? (8)

[L->B("one buck")]EVERAGE = "ade". Don't @ me:

Submitted by mstang107

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
12413 One buck for large Powerade? (8) [L->B("one buck")]EVERAGE = "ade". Don't @ me: mstang107 1
12426 Be too old to consume orange juice, maybe (8) def. "juice, maybe"
wordplay: BE OVERAGE ("Be too old") to destroy ("to consume") O ("orange": color wheel)
bags 1
12416 Drink, gave beer, drunk (8) anagram :3 jovi_al 0
12417 Drink alcohol to drink 🎶vodka tonic🎶, aged without taste of drink (8) BE(V_)ER+AGE(-d_)
tonic is the first note of a musical scale, very avant-garde clue
AuLeaf 0