Started by dohz

She and I out of light purple resin (7)


Submitted by schizophoenix

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
12520 She and I out of light purple resin (7) SHE + L(I)LAC schizophoenix 1
12522 Good occupational practice: coming back to order up finished product? (7) SHE< +LLAC<
good occupational practice: EHS (environment, health, and safety (is this a thing outside of the USA?))
order: call
finished product?: def
jovi_al 0
12524 Gloss over her callback (7) SHE+LLAC< Zimodo 0
12525 Unfinished shack contains 45 inch coat (7) SH(ELL)AC_ Zimodo 0