CATS AND DOGS (4, 3, 4)

Started by schizophoenix

Go back south after even scrap Teslas needed no engineers in great quantities (like rain) (4 3 4)

OG<+S after _C_A_T_S_A_ N(-ee)D(-e)D = "in great quantities (like rain)", referring to the idiom "raining cats and dogs"

Submitted by Polaris

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Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
12751 Go back south after even scrap Teslas needed no engineers in great quantities (like rain) (4 3 4) OG<+S after _C_A_T_S_A_ N(-ee)D(-e)D = "in great quantities (like rain)", referring to the idiom "raining cats and dogs" Polaris 1