Clue ID | Contest | Clue | Explanation (hover) | Submitted By | Likes |
4119 | ALADDIN (7) | A boy accompanied by djinni, oddly! (7) | A+LAD+D_I_N_ &lit | Polaris | 8 |
4259 | SIDEREAL (8) | Outside the solar system, partly outside reality (8) | _SIDE REAL_ | Polaris | 7 |
2172 | BREXIT (6) | King going through a little withdrawal (6) | B(REX)IT = "withdrawal" | Polaris | 6 |
2255 | DISCOVERY (9) | 70s music really is a revelation | DISCO+VERY | Polaris | 6 |
3498 | KANGAROO ISLAND (8, 6) | Koalas adorning mysterious Australian area (8, 6) | anagram of "koalas adorning" | Polaris | 6 |
2228 | DONBURI (7) | Japanese bowl is bound to be mixed with half rice (7) | DONBU*+RI_ | Polaris | 5 |
3674 | COCKTAIL (8) | Spooner has to discuss leafy greens for mixed drink (8) | TALK KALE -> COCKTAIL | Polaris | 5 |
2166 | OF (2) | The heartless count chasing Baudelaires is concerning (2) | O[-la]F | Polaris | 4 |
2178 | SINEW (5) | Muscle from butchered swine (5) | SWINE* | Polaris | 4 |
2213 | WORD (4) | Microsoft program starts to write or read documents (4) | WORD (init.), def. Microsoft Word | Polaris | 4 |
2231 | KINK (4) | Headless lizard fetish (4) | (-s)KINK | Polaris | 4 |
2735 | WISTERIA (8) | Mister flips his lid over me, on a lane in "Desperate Housewives" (8) | (m->W)ISTER+I+A = lane in "Desperate Housewives" (i.e. Wisteria Lane) (down clue only) |
Polaris | 4 |
2781 | BASEL (5) | Swiss city's bottom fifty (5) | BASE + L | Polaris | 4 |
3701 | LEXICON (7) | Vocabulary in French: the "eleven" is, for starters, called "onze", naturally (7) | LE (in French the) + XI (eleven) + C_ O_ N_ (for starters, called onze naturally) = "vocabulary" |
Polaris | 4 |
3724 | ENTIRE (6) | All ten in order end in anger (6) | ENT*+IRE = "all" (I would not use "in order" as a general anagrind, but in this specific case E, N, T are alphabetical so it works!) |
Polaris | 4 |
3895 | WAX (3) | By the sound of it, smacks grow stronger (3) | sounds like "whacks" WAX = "grow stronger" (e.g. wax poetic) |
Polaris | 4 |
4032 | AQUA (4) | Queen wears gold and a shade of blue (4) | A(Q)U+A | Polaris | 4 |
4193 | BABYMETAL (9) | Japanese band mate goes astray in ancient city; no longer on (9) | BABY(MEAT*)L(-on) = "Japanese band" | Polaris | 4 |
4364 | NECKLACE (8) | Cackle madly after one headless adornment (8) | (-o)NE+CKLACE* = adornment | Polaris | 4 |
12798 | BUGABOO (7) | Spook or bother a lover (7) | BUG + A + BOO = "Spook" (as a noun) | Polaris | 4 |
2160 | DISEASE (7) | To drown outside oceans from scurvy (7) | DI(SEAS)E = "scurvy" | Polaris | 3 |
2180 | DEMESNE (7) | The estate needs me, perhaps (7) | DEMESNE* | Polaris | 3 |
2214 | OPUS (4) | Creature with eight legs sacrifices first three for work of art (4) | (-oct)OPUS | Polaris | 3 |
2434 | SUNSHINE (8) | Opposite of homebrew Super Mario game? (8) | punny ddef. 1) Super Mario Sunshine 2) opposite of homebrew = opposite of moonshine = sunshine I hope this works! |
Polaris | 3 |
2606 | FABLE (5) | Story that can be failed? (5) | a FABLE that's F-ABLE | Polaris | 3 |
2736 | ZAMBIA (6) | Ice smoother not on a country (6) | ZAMB(-on)I+A | Polaris | 3 |
2770 | LIGHT (5) | Aviation, not loud, not heavy (5) | (-f)LIGHT | Polaris | 3 |
2928 | QUIDNUNC (8) | One who gossips in French who'd almost never in Spanish (8) | QUI (in French, who) + D + NUNC(-a) (almost never in Spanish) = "one who gossips" | Polaris | 3 |
3115 | NEPTUNE (7) | God is somewhat inept, unemployed (7) | _NEPT UNE_ | Polaris | 3 |
3410 | CEDAR (5) | One might say Johnny Appleseed, perhaps, produces tree (5) | CEDAR ("seeder") | Polaris | 3 |
3559 | OVERFLOW (8) | Part of werewolf revolution is about to spill past the limits (8) | _WOLF REVO_< = "to spill past the limits" | Polaris | 3 |
3693 | MASCARA (7) | Reportedly, an age of disguise or makeup (7) | "mask era" | Polaris | 3 |
3748 | BING AWAST (4,5) | "Being a waste, without any energy? Begone!" said James Joyce (4, 5) | B(-e)ING AWAST(-e) = "Begone" as said by James Joyce | Polaris | 3 |
3994 | SECRET (6) | Almost leak that which should not be told (6) | SECRET(-e) (almost leak) = "that which should not be told" | Polaris | 3 |
4087 | HAT (3) | Introduction to horses at a derby, perhaps (3) | H_ (introduction to) + AT (at) = "a derby, perhaps" | Polaris | 3 |
4190 | WREAKS (6) | Unleashes bad smells from the mouth (6) | sounds like reeks = "unleashes" someone get this guy a breath mint! |
Polaris | 3 |
4336 | CORPOREAL (9) | Substantial hole in coral (9) | COR(PORE)AL | Polaris | 3 |
4337 | BABY SHARK (4, 5) | First of boats in bays, listen to catchy fishy song (4, 5) | BA(B_)YS+HARK (rip "to" as a connector, oh well) |
Polaris | 3 |
4365 | HEARSE (6) | Carrier of a corpse that's partly from the arsenic (6) | _HE ARSE_ | Polaris | 3 |
4378 | NICOLAS CAGE (7, 4) | "Con air" actor and crazy cocaine gals (7, 4) | anagram of COCAINE GALS | Polaris | 3 |
4404 | LOKI (4) | Hello Kitty is partially a trickster god (4) | _LOKI_ | Polaris | 3 |
4412 | FEEDBACK (8) | Payment first, double back for criticism (8) | FEE+D_+BACK = "criticism" | Polaris | 3 |
4504 | CHINE (5) | Spine-breaking niche (5) | CHINE* def. "spine" as given by M-W | Polaris | 3 |
12754 | PARSEC (6) | Spacey spacer space's space? (6) | "space's space" = definition, i.e. distance used in space "spacer spacey" = PARSEC* |
Polaris | 3 |
12778 | EMOTICON (8) | EGXP—O✓-KX← (8) | definition "E.g. XP" EM (em dash) + O + TIC(-k) + ON< (X symbol backwards) |
Polaris | 3 |
12895 | POTENTIALLY (11) | Likely strong companion protects me (11) | POTENT ALLY protecting I | Polaris | 3 |
2161 | DISEASE (7) | It's awfully sad, I see, to get the flu (7) | DISEASE* | Polaris | 2 |
2182 | DEMESNE (7) | Region in Germany with endless mess to the northeast (7) | DE + MES(-s) + NE | Polaris | 2 |
2200 | SALT (4) | Seasoning is prepared last (4) | LAST* | Polaris | 2 |
2230 | FETISH (6) | Obsession that sounds party-like? (6) | "fête-ish" | Polaris | 2 |
2250 | SAFE WORD (4 4 OR 8) | Stop equivalent blade with high-grade iron (8) | S(A+FE)WORD = "'stop' equivalent" | Polaris | 2 |
2284 | MOSCOW (6) | Sailboat behind Missouri city (6) | SCOW behind MO = "city" | Polaris | 2 |
2366 | ACCRETION (9) | Air conditioner construction without a buildup (9) | A/C + CRE(-a)TION = "buildup" | Polaris | 2 |
2377 | RANGER (6) | Pokemon spin-off game called, uh... (6) | RANG+ER | Polaris | 2 |
2411 | POTLUCK (7) | You'd have to be a mastermind to solve this using what's available (3, 4) | ddef. "you'd have to be a mastermind to solve this" / "using what's available" | Polaris | 2 |
2523 | OH NO (2, 2) | John, obliquely concealing expression of dismay (2, 2) | _OHN O_ | Polaris | 2 |
2672 | SHURIKEN (8) | 忍者の武器の趣味を見逃す権利は反対(5) | 「しゅみ(趣味)」の「み」を逃して 「けんり(権利)」の反対=忍者の武器=しゅりけん "Against the right to ignore the hobby of ninja's weapons" (?????) The wordplay is to remove MI from SHUMI (hobby) and take 権利 -> KENRI and invert it to get RIKEN The clever pun is taking 見逃す 'minogasu' "ignore" as 「み」逃しす 'mi nogasu' "lose MI" |
Polaris | 2 |
2737 | HARRIES (7) | Torments Potter and Dresden? (7) | punny ddef. multiple Harrys = Harries |
Polaris | 2 |
2771 | LIGHT (5) | Align heart with heartless heart burn (5) | _LIG_ (align heart) with H_T (heartless heart) = "burn" (i.e. to light a fire) | Polaris | 2 |
3229 | CLUE CONTAINING A PIECE OR TERM FROM CHESS (?) | Nice! King to D4 (4) | KIN(g->D) | Polaris | 2 |
3266 | OEDIPUS (7) | Oh, climbing arachnid almost took you for mythical king (7) | O + [SPIDE(-r)< with U] O + EDIP(U)S< down clue only! |
Polaris | 2 |
3274 | SPHINX (6) | Start of Sigma and Phi's next odd enigma (6) | S_ + PHI + N_X_ | Polaris | 2 |
3304 | ISTHMUS (7) | Strip of land north of America is almost the start of Montreal (7) | north of US, IS+TH_+M_ down clue only |
Polaris | 2 |
3449 | THING (5) | Object to his idea—not good for beginners (5) | T_ H_ I_ N_ G_ = "object" | Polaris | 2 |
3485 | LOREM IPSUM (5, 5) | Look! Half-off premiums for filler text! (5, 5) | LO_ (look half) + REMIPSUM* (off premiums) exclamation points are just for flavor |
Polaris | 2 |
3539 | JAMES CAAN (5, 4) | Dilemma: Convoluted case with an actor from "The Godfather" (5, 4) | JAM (dilemma) + ESCA* + AN | Polaris | 2 |
3546 | SLAUGHTER (9) | Killing slice from four to zero (9) | SLIVER, IV->AUGHT | Polaris | 2 |
3616 | PERFORM (7) | Present for each girl or boy? (7) | PER (for each) + F OR M (girl or boy?) = "present" i.e. present to an audience |
Polaris | 2 |
3731 | DEJA VU (4, 2) | Familiar sense or idea, starting off around first of January: vague, ageless (4, 2) | (-i)DEA [idea, starting off] around J_ [first of January] V(-ag)U(-e) [vague, ageless] (-i)DE(J_)A V(-ag)U(-e) = "familiar sense" |
Polaris | 2 |
3854 | CUP (3) | Mug topped up with coffee to start (3) | C_ + UP ("up" is topped with "c") = container (down clue only) |
Polaris | 2 |
3910 | SPANISH INQUISITION (7, 11) | After time, I climb with French who sit with me on group that nobody expects (7, 11) | SPAN (time) + I + SHIN (climb) + QUI (French who) + SIT + I (me) + ON = group that nobody expects (referencing Monty Python skit) |
Polaris | 2 |
3993 | NIXIOUS (7) | Cancel debts as white as snow (7) | NIX (cancel) + IOUS (debts) = as white as snow probably the simplest wordplay you can make with this word |
Polaris | 2 |
3995 | SOLVER (6) | Puzzlehunt participant, perhaps: "Very low, very unfinished" (6) | SO (very) + L (low) + VER(-y) (very unfinished) = "puzzlehunt participant, perhaps" |
Polaris | 2 |
3999 | YULETIDE (8) | A certain snowman obtains soul, starts off half-dead for Christmastime (8) | Y((-so)UL)ETI+DE(-ad) = Christmastime "a certain snowman" clues the abominable snowman, aka the yeti I originally envisioned this with a Frosty the Snowman vibe but it ended up leaning into the horror genre |
Polaris | 2 |
4045 | PI ( 2) | They say Shakespeare's plays are encoded in this intellectual property, backwards (2) | IP backwards referring to the myth saying that Shakespeare's plays are encoded in the digits of pi (I find it amusing when really short answers have really long clues) |
Polaris | 2 |
4189 | THONGS (6) | Hordes of people, not wearing essential articles of underwear (6) | THRONGS without the middle R from WEARING def. "articles of underwear" (instead of just "underwear" to make the plural more apparent) |
Polaris | 2 |
4223 | XBOX DEMON (4, 5) | Evil creature lurking in video game console is xenophobic; originally packed up, stripped of energy; catastrophic omen (4, 5) | X_ + BOX(-e)D + EMON* = "Evil creature lurking in video game console" yep this sure is a clue |
Polaris | 2 |
4265 | CIVIL WAR (5, 3) | Leader of cryptics and me: mostly vile, unrefined, backwards conflict (5, 3) | C_+I+VIL_+WAR< | Polaris | 2 |
4275 | BESIDE (6) | Close to best idea, lacking finishing touches (6) | BES(-t) IDE(-a) = "close to" | Polaris | 2 |
4276 | BENDY (5) | Flexible ballerina's first to finish; gymnast's second (5) | B_+END+_Y_ = "flexible" "to finish" is the full indicator for END (as a verb) |
Polaris | 2 |
4277 | ANOTHER (7) | One more, I say! Uh... Not that girl (7) | A ("uh") + NOT + HER = "one more" | Polaris | 2 |
4305 | CULINARY (8) | Copper and lithium? Not in the kitchen (8) | CU+LI+NARY = "in the kitchen" def. might be a stretch but M-W gives "of or relating to the kitchen or cookery" so I hope this is ok |
Polaris | 2 |
4315 | SOCIAL DISTANCING (6,10) | Me, in Southern California? 'Tis crazy, staying inside, dancing and keeping away from others (6, 10) | SOC(I)AL+D(IST*)ANCING = "keeping away from others" | Polaris | 2 |
4338 | FUDDRUCKERS (11) | American restaurant chain cooks furred ducks (11) | FURRED DUCKS anagram | Polaris | 2 |
4349 | DEUSOVI (7) | Puzzler's lie in Japanese, accepted by Indian goddess (7) | USO = "lie" in Japanese DEVI = Indian goddess DE(USO)VI |
Polaris | 2 |
4369 | DELIVERY (8) | Conveyance of French uniform (8) | DE (of French) + LIVERY (uniform) (turns out "delivery" and "livery" have the same root so the wordplay is not quite as interesting as it seems) |
Polaris | 2 |
4379 | FUNCTION CALL (8, 4) | Method invocation is fun with C! Change! Action! Heads of linked lists! (8, 4) | FUN+C (fun with C) + TIONCA (change action) + L_ L_ (heads of linked lists) not &lit, exclamation points are just there to emphasize the fun factor |
Polaris | 2 |
4380 | AXIS (4) | Some taxi stands form an alliance (4) | _AXI S_ def. "an alliance" |
Polaris | 2 |
4386 | CELERY (6) | Wild eel and lobster tail acting as stuffing for cored culinary vegetable (6) | cored culinary: C_Y wild eel and lobster tail: ELE*+_R acting as stuffing for: one big insertion indicator C(ELE*+_R)_Y = "vegetable" |
Polaris | 2 |
4429 | BANGER (6) | Sausage, bit of bacon, and almost half of burger (6) | def. Sausage = B_ (bit of bacon) + AN__ (and almost) + ___GER (half of burger) | Polaris | 2 |
4445 | FULL HOUSE (4, 5) | Venue at max capacity with couple of fundraisers, disorienting us (hello) (4, 5) | FU_ + LLHOUSE* | Polaris | 2 |
4472 | HEYAWAKE (8) | Puzzle is not here, sent back; put in the key? No thank you (8) | not here, sent back: YAWA< the key? No thank you: (-t)HEKE(-y) X put in Y: containment indicator (-t)HE(YAWA<)KE(-y) = "puzzle" |
Polaris | 2 |
4479 | BELLA SWAN (5, 4) | YA protagonist's unusual label: small and pale (5, 4) | BELLA*+S+WAN | Polaris | 2 |
4481 | SLITHERLINK (11) | Numberlink, but replace senseless part with mixed-up LITS and bit of Heyawake for another puzzle genre (11) | NUMBERLINK, but replace NUMB (senseless part) with SLIT*+H_ | Polaris | 2 |
4485 | METALLIC PUNISHER (8, 8) | Encountered every hip hop duo playing, uh, siren song from "Arcaea" (8, 8) | MET + ALL + ICP (Insane Clown Posse, hip hop duo) + UNISHER* | Polaris | 2 |
4488 | MONOCHROME (10) | Endless romp in Spanish night after moment that's black-and-white (10) | MO+NOCH(ROM_)E = "black-and-white" | Polaris | 2 |
12737 | PLANE (5) | "Flat Earth" falls short (5) | PLANET (drop last letter) | Polaris | 2 |
12740 | MATRIX (6) | Detailed math, bit of research, nine-number array (6) | MAT_ + R_ + IX = "number array" | Polaris | 2 |
12746 | ROULETTE (8) | Kind of wheel allowed in roadway (8) | LET in ROUTE | Polaris | 2 |
12760 | THE YIPS (3 4) | Yep, this is crazy nervousness (3 4) | YEPTHIS* | Polaris | 2 |
12769 | NAVEM MERCIBUS IMPLERE (5 8 7) | Scoundrel heading off to commercial center, on bus turning per mile to fill the ship with goods (5 8 7) | (-k)NAVE + (-co)MMERCI(-al) + BUS + IMPLERE* | Polaris | 2 |
12770 | DUNGEON (7) | Cell division gone haywire in ulna, oddly (7) | D + (GONE* in U_N_) = "Cell" | Polaris | 2 |
12826 | LENTIL (6) | Type of soup found in excellent illustration (6) | _LENT IL_ | Polaris | 2 |
12877 | END OF THE WORLD (3, 2, 3, 5) | Apocalypse wolf dethroned: anarchy (3, 2, 3, 5) | WOLFDETHRONED* | Polaris | 2 |
12880 | SUSPECT (7) | Doubt Jesus' pectorals, in part (7) | hidden word | Polaris | 2 |
12908 | TOO SOON (3 4) | Prematurely made from bits of snot (3 4) | letter bank (fixing typo) | Polaris | 2 |
12942 | FLEXING (7) | Showing off fleeting romance with former boyfriend (7) | FLING with EX | Polaris | 2 |
12958 | ARMADA (6) | War-mad admiral central to navy (6) | hidden word | Polaris | 2 |
12966 | BOUQUET (7) | Audibly express disapproval at jewelers for bridesmaid's accessory (7) | sounds like "boo Kay" (as in Kay Jewelers) | Polaris | 2 |
12967 | KEEPSAKE (8) | Look back: rice wine souvenir (8) | PEEK< + SAKE | Polaris | 2 |
2175 | BREXIT (6) | UK resident has sex without giving head or pulling out (6) | BR((-s)EX)IT = "pulling out" | Polaris | 1 |
2184 | RICE (4) | Grain's cost with a one-cent discount (4) | (-p)RICE | Polaris | 1 |
2185 | RICE (4) | Staple food found in Kopavogur, Iceland (4) | _R ICE_ | Polaris | 1 |
2197 | OPUS (4) | Significant other takes up retrospective work (4) | S(UP)O, reversed | Polaris | 1 |
2203 | CODA (4) | Disco dancing, featuring final performance (4) | _CO DA_ | Polaris | 1 |
2216 | FOUR (4) | How many people on polo team go from left to right in illegal play? (4) | FOU(l->R), four people on a polo team | Polaris | 1 |
2261 | LAST RESORT (4, 6) | Initially learning about Sleep Talk in front of desert in Unova for one of Eevee's moves (4, 6) | L.A.S.T. + RESORT "Desert Resort" is a desert in the Unova region "Last Resort" is a move learned by Eevee |
Polaris | 1 |
2282 | SIGNATURE MOVE (9, 4) | Authorize Xatu, first off, to erase Oblivion Wing, for example (9, 4) | SIGN + (-x)ATU + REMOVE | Polaris | 1 |
2394 | PLUM (4) | Fruit is positively not small, but medium (4) | PLU(s->M) | Polaris | 1 |
2520 | NEPENTHE (8) | Drug that makes you forget endless desire surrounding suppressed, wishful heart (8) | "Drug that makes you forget" = NEE(-d) (endless desire) surrounding PENT (suppressed) + _H_ (wishful heart) | Polaris | 1 |
2522 | HILBERT (7) | Mathematician blithers drivel without sane head (7) | (BLITHER(-s))* | Polaris | 1 |
2524 | OH NO (2, 2) | What you might say to an experiment gone wrong using hydrogen and nitrogen in oxygen gas (2, 2) | H, N in O2 | Polaris | 1 |
2646 | POURBOIRE (9) | Start to pour unlimited bourbon—first off, wire money for drinking (9) | P+_OURBO_+_IRE = "money for drinking" | Polaris | 1 |
2895 | RAMESSES (8) | Egyptian god besmirches name of pharaoh (8) | RA+MESSES | Polaris | 1 |
3020 | RENDEZVOUS (10) | Detailed display: integers and you! (French venue) (10) | RENDE(-r) (detailed display) + Z (integers) + VOUS (you, French) = venue | Polaris | 1 |
3194 | SWEET HOME ALABAMA (5, 4, 7) | After stirring stew, he (Obama) consumes meal with one song (5, 4, 7) | SWEETH*+O(MEAL+A)BAMA | Polaris | 1 |
3206 | CLUE CONTAINING A CHARACTER OR ITEM FROM CLUE (?) | Well-rounded professor (from Clue) with lead pipe (5) | PLUM+P | Polaris | 1 |
3332 | FURNITURE (9) | One in nature exchanged for me following pelt rug, perhaps (9) | FUR (pelt) + N(a->I)TURE = "rug, perhaps" | Polaris | 1 |
3417 | SPEEDRUN (8) | In Galactic Puzzle Hunt, Stephen's sausage puzzle explanation initially under chaos (5, 3) | S_ P_ E_ + EDRUN* = "In Galactic Puzzle Hunt, Stephen's" (i.e. Stephen's Speed Run) | Polaris | 1 |
3549 | CLUE W/ "TURING MACHINE" NOT MEANING A REAL TM (?) | Broken Turing machine leads to evening of nail-painting (8, 5) | MANICURE NIGHT* | Polaris | 1 |
3560 | LUPINE (6) | Gentleman thief: in conclusion, insatiable and wolfish (6) | LUPIN + _E | Polaris | 1 |
3614 | JACKBOX (7) | Fast food chain? Not in the party pack (7) | JACK IN THE BOX without IN THE | Polaris | 1 |
3647 | OOF (3) | "Ouch!" - goon with hole in midsection (3) | O(a->O)F | Polaris | 1 |
3685 | PLEDGE (6) | Implored, for example, about promise (6) | PLED + E.G.< | Polaris | 1 |
3691 | COCHLEA (7) | Heal unnaturally after rooster's tail chopped off, becoming Latin snail (7) | COC(-k)+HLEA* = "snail" in Latin -> COCHLEA | Polaris | 1 |
3702 | ENUMERATION (11) | In here: eleven headless men and, um, er, country without leader (11) | (-m)EN+UM+ER+(-n)ATION = "in here, eleven" | Polaris | 1 |
3830 | CREAM (5) | Eric goes back and loses—I am the best (5) | C(-i)RE< + AM = "the best" as in the cream of the crop | Polaris | 1 |
3879 | KOW (3) | Ganzhou Huangjin Airport turned away Chinese stir frying pan(3) | WOK backwards ("turned away" is the full indicator) KOW is the IATA airport code for Ganzhou Huangjin Airport |
Polaris | 1 |
3920 | SHAVE (5) | "Quiet!"--and greeting by Romans is cut off (5) | SH+AVE = cut off | Polaris | 1 |
3924 | MELODY (6) | Tune produced from sound of dulcet "Re" (6) | homophone, dulcet "Re" -> mellow D -> melody | Polaris | 1 |
4058 | CORONA (6) | In California, countering virus leads to another virus (6) | C(ORON<)A (i.e. norovirus) | Polaris | 1 |
4099 | LOSE (4) | Fail to win, thus drop Angels from Los Angeles? (4) | LOS(-angel)E(-s) | Polaris | 1 |
4139 | ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKES JACK A DULL (BOY) | No no no, dull--no work, play (4) | No no no = (-n)O (NO minus N) dull no work = SLO(-w) (SLOW minus W) (-n)O+SLO(-w) |
Polaris | 1 |
4169 | INCANDESCENT (12) | Burning hot candle fragrance, removing smell in the end (12) | IN+CANDLE+SCENT minus _L = "burning" | Polaris | 1 |
4178 | SPAR (4) | Disparity displaying dispute (4) | _SPAR_ = "dispute" | Polaris | 1 |
4210 | SPLATTERSHOT (12) | Splatoon weapon's quiet; the second one's popular (12) | S+P+LATTER+S+HOT | Polaris | 1 |
4211 | SPLATTERSHOT (12) | Fictional gun halts protest gone astray (12) | HALTS PROTEST anagram | Polaris | 1 |
4212 | DELPHI (6) | City with origin of Pythia! (6) | DEL(P_)HI &lit | Polaris | 1 |
4216 | BASHFUL (7) | Awful fellow finally becomes quiet after boy is withdrawn (7) | B+A(_w->SH)FUL = "withdrawn" | Polaris | 1 |
4232 | CHRYSOBERYL (11) | Crystal instrument returned after weep and moan about harmonica, at first (11) | (C(H_)RY+SOB)+ERYL< sorry I stole your "weep and moan" indicators, person above me :( |
Polaris | 1 |
4247 | FAROE ISLANDS (5, 7) | Friends; also, a bizarre archipelago (5, 7) | FRIENDSALSOA* | Polaris | 1 |
4260 | COSMIC RAYS (6, 4) | Energy from beyond Earth or icy Mars (unusual) after Ceres or Saturn, at first (6, 4) | C.O.S. + MICRAYS* = "Energy from beyond Earth" | Polaris | 1 |
4261 | PEVERELL (8) | Potter's ancestor is severely out of bounds in empty protocol (8) | (-s)EVEREL(-y) in P_L Harry Potter is descended from Ignotus Peverell |
Polaris | 1 |
4268 | FAROE ISLANDS (5, 7) | Archipelago's card game (for everyone) is large and small (5, 7) | FARO+E+IS+L+AND+S "for everyone" clues E as in "rated E for everyone" |
Polaris | 1 |
4296 | IRON (4) | In or around metal (4) | IRON* | Polaris | 1 |
4313 | GO (2) | Making a comeback: the original Pokemon mobile game (2) | OG is slang for "original", and then it's reversed definition referring to Pokemon Go |
Polaris | 1 |
4326 | IMPETUS (7) | I am beloved; we are a driving force (7) | I'M+PET+US = "a driving force" (thanks Akumu for the constructive criticism) |
Polaris | 1 |
4329 | TIME STOP (4, 4) | I'm in test operation for one of Hat Kid's hats (4, 4) | T(I'M)EST+OP = "one of Hat Kid's hats" (from the game A Hat in Time) | Polaris | 1 |
4345 | FREUDIAN SLIP (8, 4) | Unstable prideful sin--a mistake that may reveal your subconscious thoughts (8, 4) | anagram of PRIDEFUL SIN A | Polaris | 1 |
4444 | WITH THE LIGHTS OUT (4, 3, 6, 3) | Bizarre thought: "Whistle it--the Nirvana box set" (4, 3, 6, 3) | anagram of THOUGHTWHISTLEIT | Polaris | 1 |
4465 | BETA (4) | B (Greek letter)?! (4) | B+ETA &lit | Polaris | 1 |
4467 | ATROPOS (7) | Goddess of fate is relevant: power becomes time (7) | A(p->T)ROPOS | Polaris | 1 |
4483 | TOWER OF HANOI (5, 2, 5) | Ow! No! For I hate nonsensical mathematical puzzle (5, 2, 5) | OWNOFORIHATE* is there even a way to clue this without just a straight anagram |
Polaris | 1 |
4486 | TOWER OF HANOI (5, 2, 5) | Thanos almost has woe for catastrophic start to intergalactic stacking problem (5, 2, 5) | T(OWEROF*)HANO_+I_ = "stacking problem" | Polaris | 1 |
4495 | BASS (4) | Type of trombone or trumpet, say, without resonance at first (4) | BRASS (trumpet, say) without R_ = "type of trombone" (i.e. bass trombone) | Polaris | 1 |
4499 | DRAGON (6) | Type of Pokemon with No Guard, Scratch, U-turn (6) | cryptic reading: NOGUARD, scratch U, turn = DRA(-u)GON def. "type of Pokemon" | Polaris | 1 |
12713 | LATEX (5) | Typesetting software stands out among vanilla text (5) | _LA TEX_ | Polaris | 1 |
12715 | BABA IS YOU (4 2 3) | Alibaba is your selection for puzzle game (4 2 3) | _BABA IS YOU_ | Polaris | 1 |
12719 | CAPTCHA (7) | Buggy patch implemented in California for auth measure (7) | C(APTCH*)A | Polaris | 1 |
12720 | PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE (12, 6) | Unusually, Biden departs late, i.e. for election event (12 6) | (BIDENDEPARTSLATEIE)* | Polaris | 1 |
12722 | TOO OLD (3 3) | Very cool? Not cool. Not cool enough (3 3) | "Very cool" = TOO COLD "Not cool" = remove C "Not cool enough" = ostensibly the definition of "TOO OLD" |
Polaris | 1 |
12733 | STANDOUT (8) | Someone who is not short and stout, perhaps (8) | *ANDSTOUT "Someone who is not short" = ostensibly a definition for STANDOUT |
Polaris | 1 |
12734 | COOKIE (6) | Ordered knowledge primarily stored by Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer, for starters! (6) | O.K. stored by C.O.I.E. &lit | Polaris | 1 |
12747 | CHARGE (6) | Purchase centers target unlimited rate (6) | purCHase + tARGEt = "rate" | Polaris | 1 |
12751 | CATS AND DOGS (4, 3, 4) | Go back south after even scrap Teslas needed no engineers in great quantities (like rain) (4 3 4) | OG<+S after _C_A_T_S_A_ N(-ee)D(-e)D = "in great quantities (like rain)", referring to the idiom "raining cats and dogs" | Polaris | 1 |
12768 | PENICILLIN (10) | Pill has half of medicine left in antibiotic (10) | P(ENIC____<)ILL + IN | Polaris | 1 |
12779 | ABOUT-FACE (5-4) | Complete reversal from a boxing match to deal with (5-4) | A + BOUT (boxing match) + FACE (to deal with) = complete reversal | Polaris | 1 |
12791 | RATIONAL (8) | Level-headed in arbitration, almost (8) | _RATION AL_ | Polaris | 1 |
12795 | GHOUL (5) | Phantom or ghost whose state is undead/lifeless, primarily (5) | GHO(st -> U_ L_) = "Phantom" How redundant! |
Polaris | 1 |
12802 | LOTUS (5) | Plant almost cuts evenly (5) | _L_O_T _U_S | Polaris | 1 |
12803 | CORRODE (7) | Destroy piece of crystal ore concealing wand (7) | C_ + OR(ROD)E | Polaris | 1 |
12809 | BALLOT BOX (6, 3) | Total bighead involved in shot to the face for Election Day receptacle (6 3) | ALL, B in BOTOX | Polaris | 1 |
12813 | JUNE (4) | Junpei's missing partner's identifier, initially! (4) | JUNPEI minus P_ I_ &lit as a reference to 999 |
Polaris | 1 |
12814 | OLIVE GARDEN (5 6) | Restaurant is not, at heart, a live fish den (5 6) | _O_ + LIVE + GAR (fish) + DEN | Polaris | 1 |
12815 | NEEDLE (6) | Pointer bug? (6) | ddef, needle of a compass and to needle someone surface intended to be programming-y |
Polaris | 1 |
12838 | QUEUEING (8) | Before start of gala, queen has you and me waiting in line (8) | QUE(U)E(I)N before G_ | Polaris | 1 |
12854 | OXFORD (6) | Shoe found in box for derbies (6) | _OX FOR D_ this clue may be an affront to shoe enthusiasts |
Polaris | 1 |
12856 | DEMENTIA (8) | I met dean distraught for loss of faculties (8) | IMETDEAN* | Polaris | 1 |
12864 | GNX (3) | Car from those before millennials lacks engineers (3) | GEN X minus E | Polaris | 1 |
12872 | JINX (4) | First, juggle half of sphinx's curse (4) | J_ + ___INX | Polaris | 1 |
12874 | STOPGAP (7) | Temporary personal assistant first got containers, returned (7) | (PA + G_ + POTS)< | Polaris | 1 |
12878 | MAGNUM OPUS (6 4) | Greatest work from modern author Garth Nix unravels mystery of psychic United States leaders (6, 4) | inits | Polaris | 1 |
12879 | WEAPON (6) | No gun sound surrounds a backwards gun, for example (6) | (NO + PE(A)W)< = "gun, for example" | Polaris | 1 |
12884 | REVERB (6) | R&B has nonstop echoing sound (6) | R(EVER)B | Polaris | 1 |
12896 | MISTLETOE (9) | I hear the lady will drag along some Christmas decor (9) | Homophone, "miss'll tow" | Polaris | 1 |
12912 | SUFGANIYOT (10) | Fasting, you go nuts for donuts (10) | Anagram of FASTING YOU | Polaris | 1 |
12915 | SLIGHT (6) | Faint sunlight (noun) (6) | SUNLIGHT - UN (no un) | Polaris | 1 |
12923 | IN VAIN (2 4) | Pointlessly hurting from pressure to vandalize entrance (2 4) | IN PAIN, P->V_ | Polaris | 1 |
12924 | FRACTION (8) | French film genre part (8) | FR + ACTION | Polaris | 1 |
12947 | SAMURAI (7) | Sam, you really primarily love Japanese warriors (7) | SAM + U + R_ + AI (love in Japanese) = "warriors" | Polaris | 1 |
12951 | POLAROID (8) | Photo ID appended after post office returned exam (8) | ID after PO + ORAL< = "photo" | Polaris | 1 |
12962 | FAUX PAS (4 3) | Note: user experience nearly done is misstep (4, 3) | FA + UX + PAS(-t) = "misstep" | Polaris | 1 |
12964 | PUPUSA (6) | Dish from Central America (Mexico's neighbor) served after first paying up (6) | USA (Mexico's neighbor) served after P_ (first paying) + UP (up) = "Dish from Central America" (neither Honduras nor El Salvador border Mexico by land, though) |
Polaris | 1 |
12975 | CAIRO (5) | Capital Χ and Ρ, say (5) | "chi rho" | Polaris | 1 |
2186 | APEX (4) | Mojo Jojo takes chemical from Powerpuff Girls to the top (4) | APE (Mojo Jojo) + X (chemical from Powerpuff Girls) | Polaris | 0 |
2195 | OPUS (4) | Singular opera composition (4) | Double definition: "opus" is the singular form of opera, and and "opus" is a composition |
Polaris | 0 |
2400 | WASHMINSTER (11) | Australian hybridized government system has to clean clergyman without me (11) | WASH + MINI(-i)STER | Polaris | 0 |
2410 | INTERNET TROLL (8, 5) | Type "seabird" with Teletype to wind up online provoker (8, 5) | INT (type) + ERNE (seabird) + TT (teletype) + ROLL (to wind up) = "online provoker" | Polaris | 0 |
2440 | GOLD RUSH (4, 4) | Office lady and doctor go inside to praise reason to visit California (4, 4) | OL and DR go inside GUSH ("to praise") = "reason to visit California" | Polaris | 0 |
2463 | URANIUM (7) | Total after muse drops a beginning to story element (7) | URANIA SUM drops A S_ = "element" | Polaris | 0 |
2521 | NEPETA (6) | Animal rights organization after one headless Homestuck troll (6) | PETA after (-o)NE = "Homestuck troll" | Polaris | 0 |
2617 | LABOR DAY (5, 3) | Broad mixture in secular holiday (5, 3) | BROAD* in LAY (secular) = "holiday" | Polaris | 0 |
2670 | BUSHIDO (7) | さむらいが従うことはグレープの中にします (4) | ぶどう(グレープ)の中に「し」を増す=さむらいが従うこと=ぶしどう The clue is "The thing that samurai follow is done in grapes" (I guess? Not like it makes a whole lot of sense in Japanese either) The wordplay is just adding SHI to BUDOU (grapes) The clever pun is taking します 'shimasu' "to do" => 「し」増す 'shi masu' "add SHI" |
Polaris | 0 |
2871 | ORDINAL (7) | For example, first football player from Arizona takes oxygen instead of calcium (7) | (ca->O)RDINAL = "for example, first" | Polaris | 0 |
2896 | WOLFRAM (7) | Contest starter to strike metal (7) | WOLF (the starter of this contest) + RAM | Polaris | 0 |
3025 | CLUE CONTAINING UR LAST WINNING CLUE’S ANSWER (?) | Quidnunc transforms company into medium-small organization (6) | COIN (quid) + NOW (nunc) transforms CO to M = MINNOW (small organization) | Polaris | 0 |
3064 | LONGNECK (8) | Bad brown bare butts breaking bar beer bottle (8) | LO(NG+_N _E)CK = "beer bottle" | Polaris | 0 |
3224 | CLUE CONTAINING (4, 10) | Society and economics polluting without beginnings of brain teasers or beginnings of themed cryptic contests (4, 10) | CLUB + ECON + TAINTING - B_ T_ CLU(-b)ECONTAIN(-t)ING = beginnings of themed cryptic contests |
Polaris | 0 |
3254 | ARCEUS (6) | Legendary god of war consumes beginning of chaos and union (6) | ARES, C_, U -> AR(C_)E(U)S "legendary" is often used as shorthand for "legendary Pokemon" |
Polaris | 0 |
3367 | LEVEL FIFTY ONE (5, 5, 3) | 51F: decelerate, leave elevator outside loudness with that echo? (5, 5, 3) | "decelerate, leave" = LE(-a)VE (remove acceleration) "elevator outside loudness" = L(F)IFT "that echo" = YON+E LE(-a)VE+L(F)IFT+YON+E = 51F (i.e. 51st floor = level 51) |
Polaris | 0 |
3388 | ANY COLOR WORD WITH DEF NOT "COLOR" (?) | Kanto city loves Minior―not so unusual (9) | (LOVESMINIOR-SO)* = VERMILION | Polaris | 0 |
3395 | CARAMEL (7) | Light brown Sopwith plane carries assault rifle to start (7) | C(A_ R_)AMEL e.g. Sopwith Camel |
Polaris | 0 |
3499 | CRYPTIC CLUE (7, 4) | E.g. this hint from puzzle hunt with answers found in source code (7, 4) | ddef. this clue is an example of a cryptic clue and "cryptic clue" as in a clue from cryptic puzzle hunt |
Polaris | 0 |
3536 | SILLY SONG (5, 4) | Oxbow lake transforms back-arc basin into system producing funny tune (5, 4) | BILLABONG, BAB->SYS = SILLY SONG | Polaris | 0 |
3567 | ASH (3) | Pokemon trainer hiding amongst Wishiwashi (3) | wishiwASHi | Polaris | 0 |
3692 | VETERAN/VETERANS (7/8) | Old-timer, in vehicle, marred tree (7) | V(ETER*)AN | Polaris | 0 |
3987 | CHEW (4) | Munch on half of cheese wedge to start (4) | CHE_ + W_ = munch on | Polaris | 0 |
4002 | DATA (4) | Star Trek character Ida Tarbell, partially (4) | iDA TArbell = Data, a character from Star Trek | Polaris | 0 |
4063 | ANY CLUE CONTAINING "NO" OR "NOT" (?) | Indeed, not indicated (7) | DE(NOT)ED wow elision |
Polaris | 0 |
4066 | LOVE (4) | It's represented by a heart or clover, in part (4) | cLOVEr (hidden word) love is most commonly represented by a heart |
Polaris | 0 |
4179 | TOMB (4) | Grave to my beloved (originally) (4) | TO+M_ B_ | Polaris | 0 |
4187 | TRIP (4) | Retired detective/snitch with not one misstep (4) | [PI+R(-a)T]< | Polaris | 0 |
4200 | ENNUI (5) | Dinner with you gets flipped and stripped, leading to weariness (5) | (-r)ENN(U)I(-d) = "weariness" | Polaris | 0 |
4205 | RAINBOW DASH (7, 4) | Pegasus owns bad hair, all tangled up (7, 4) | OWNSBADHAIR* | Polaris | 0 |
4222 | MINT (4) | Form interchange components?! (4) | _M INT_ &lit def. of "mint" as in to make coins, if you consider coins/money as "components" of "interchange"/transactions |
Polaris | 0 |
4226 | FUNHOUSE (8) | Carnival attraction failed, oh, back in almost unemployed (8) | F+UN(HO<)USE(-d) surface makes no sense but it's a last minute entry |
Polaris | 0 |
4233 | TURNIP (6) | Vegetable from secure trough--revolutionary (6) | (PIN+RUT)< "secure"=PIN as in to secure/to affix |
Polaris | 0 |
4284 | STOP SIGN (4, 4) | Indicator to cease building is potshot about parts (4, 4) | _STOP SI GN_< | Polaris | 0 |
4291 | SOURDOUGH (9) | Perhaps, our doughnut ingredients! (9) | _S OUR DOUGH_ and sourdough can be used to make doughnuts Just pretend Puzzlers Club makes doughnuts, hence "our" doughnut ingredients :thonking: |
Polaris | 0 |
4295 | ARENDELLE (9) | *Frozen* setting records, initially in United Arab Emirates, then finally (well, not initially) in Germany (9) | A(R_)E+_N+D(_ELL)E = "*Frozen* setting" | Polaris | 0 |
4324 | PULL REQUEST (4, 7) | Page concerning queen in, without fail, fullest contribution to a repository (4, 7) | P+(-f)ULL(RE+QU)EST = "contribution to a repository" | Polaris | 0 |
4332 | UTADA HIKARU (5, 6) | Kingdom Hearts artist online: "You are a king. I had a Tuesday." in retrospect (5, 6) | U R+A+K+I HAD A+TU reversed haha this is so bad |
Polaris | 0 |
4360 | ENDOTHERMIC (11) | Warm-blooded English "Dorothy" and her microphone (11) | EN+DOT+HER+MIC = "warm-blooded" "Dot" is a known nickname for "Dorothy" |
Polaris | 0 |
4417 | HAIR (4) | Reportedly, the tortoise's fabled rival's pelt (4) | sounds like "hare", def. "pelt" | Polaris | 0 |
4422 | ATLANTIS (8) | Book of maps about new, odd trip leading to lost city (8) | ATLA(N+T_I_)S = "lost city" | Polaris | 0 |
4436 | QUARTIC (7) | Not quite bright about art one degree above cubic (7) | QUIC(-k) about ART = "one degree above cubic" unfortunately I couldn't tie cubism into this :'( |
Polaris | 0 |
4442 | GLOBAL (6) | Disheartened girl and boy finds love between them -- a start to love that's universal (6) | G_L (disheartened girl) and B (boy) finds O (love) between them A (a) + L_ (start to love) = def. "universal" |
Polaris | 0 |
4457 | CHROMATIC (9) | Colorful and glamorous, but not new after Switzerland (9) | CH (Switzerland) + ROMA(-n)TIC (glamorous, but not new) = "colorful" let's say the surface has to do with Eurovision |
Polaris | 0 |
4476 | BOB MARLEY (3, 6) | Jamaican singer, Russian river, and Spanish sea, in blue and yellow without you (3, 6) | Russian river: OB Spanish sea: MAR Blue and yellow without you: BL(-u)E+Y B(OB+MAR)L(-u)E+Y |
Polaris | 0 |
4482 | METALLIC PUNISHER (8, 8) | Per all the music in chaotic song from "Arcaea" (8, 8) | PERALLTHEMUSICIN* def. is "song from 'Arcaea'", according to what Google tells me |
Polaris | 0 |
4491 | HEALTH (6) | Idiomatically, a clean bill of this is dealt from the second in two hospitals (6) | H[(-d)EALT]H referencing the idiom "a clean bill of health" |
Polaris | 0 |
12724 | HOTSHOT (7) | Warm is warm, genius (7) | HOT'S HOT, HOTSHOT | Polaris | 0 |
12726 | MOONCAKE (8) | Dessert from China, Missouri, Ontario, California, Kenya (8) | "dessert from China" = MO + ON + CA + KE | Polaris | 0 |
12729 | COSMOS (6) | Flower is company for moss having fun (6) | CO + SMOS* = the cosmos flower | Polaris | 0 |
12750 | CRATER (6) | Cat eats right next to, um, a hole in the ground (6) | C(R)AT + ER | Polaris | 0 |
12757 | SCRIBE (6) | Author E. B. White generally centers chapter series, starts from the end (6) | (EB + _I_ _R_ + C_ S_)< = "Author" | Polaris | 0 |
12762 | ARMORY (6) OR ARMOURY (7) | Arsenal team (in the second half) has never-ending ball runs, at the beginning and end of Wednesday (6) | "Arsenal" = __A(_R)M + O + R_ + _Y | Polaris | 0 |
12765 | THIMBLE (7) | Protector of finger, thumb, index for you, or short leg (7) | TH(u->I)MB + LE_ = "Protector of finger" | Polaris | 0 |
12796 | COBWEB (6) | "Boo!" at first goes into brief flinch, leading to middle of troubling bit of Halloween decor (6) | B_ into COWE(-r) + ____B____ = "bit of Halloween decor" | Polaris | 0 |
12821 | TABULATE (8) | Count Dracula's form from behind initially ugly, later appears totally extraordinary (8) | BAT< + ULATE (inits) def. "Count" |
Polaris | 0 |
12828 | MUSICAL (7) | Initially mark up schedule on what is now Apple Calendar for Broadway show (7) | M_ U_ S_ + ICAL (now known as Apple Calendar) (down clue only) |
Polaris | 0 |
12840 | REMORSE (7) | Guilt shakes up, missing direction (7) | (-t)REMORS (shakes, up missing) + E (direction) (down clue) |
Polaris | 0 |
12842 | CAVY (4) | Islet has violet guinea pig (4) | CA(V)Y | Polaris | 0 |
12850 | FIVE STARS (4 5) | Vast fires reassemble into components of constellation Cassiopeia (4 5) | VASTFIRES* | Polaris | 0 |
12852 | OXBLOOD (7) | Oxeye starts to flower, almost; top of daisy is shade of red (7) | OX ("oxeye starts") + BLOO(-m) ("to flower, almost") + D_ ("top of daisy") | Polaris | 0 |
12858 | EGGNOG (6) | Drink from one final case of grog (no gin, at first) (6) | _E + G_G + NO + G_ | Polaris | 0 |
12860 | GASH (4) | Writing a show to produce "Rent" (4) | _G A SH_ def. "rent" |
Polaris | 0 |
12863 | CURVEBALL (9) | Select brackets brave unusual game-changer (9) | CULL (select) bracketing RVEBA (brave unusual) = "game-changer" | Polaris | 0 |
12873 | OCTOBER | Month is in unlimited treats (7) | BE (is) in [-d]OCTOR[-s] (treats, unlimited) | Polaris | 0 |
12892 | PURSUE (6) | University diss track (6) | PUR[d->S]UE ("university, D is S") | Polaris | 0 |
12904 | PARTRIDGE (9) | Variety of bird (starting off) found in pear tree (in the beginning and end of song), perhaps! (9) | (_IRD)* in (PEAR +T_ + _G)* &lit | Polaris | 0 |
12910 | TREE STAR (4, 4) | Odd torte to be Spanish Christmas decoration (4 4) | T_R_E + ESTAR | Polaris | 0 |
12927 | COINCIDE (8) | Agree with mint drink (bottomless) (8) | COIN (mint, as in to mint) + CIDE[-r] (bottomless drink) | Polaris | 0 |
12928 | BALATRO (7) | Latin clown, Latin rod, egg (7) | LAT in BAR + O "Egg" is a reference to the Egg Joker (actually I just couldn't think of anything better) |
Polaris | 0 |
12932 | COCCYX (6) | Bone from, reportedly, chicken (6) | "COCK SIX" (the enumeration is part of the clue) | Polaris | 0 |
12933 | ASTERIX (7) | French comic series is extra weird (7) | ISEXTRA* | Polaris | 0 |
12934 | NEVER (5) | Swine vertically accommodated when pigs fly (5) | _NE VER_ | Polaris | 0 |
12937 | SLAPDASH (8) | The reverend's angle cut is haphazard (8) | spoonerism of "DAP SLASH" "to angle"/"to dap" being verbs for fishing |
Polaris | 0 |
12955 | FELL OFF (4 3) | Diminished "hello" lacks heat within very, very loud dynamics (4 3) | [-h]ELLO in FFF = "diminished" | Polaris | 0 |
12973 | EPILOGUE (8) | 2.71828 + 3.14159 + log(electric potential energy) = summation (8) | E + PI + LOG + U_E = "summation" | Polaris | 0 |
12977 | EDUCATION (9) | Cod, unite! A mysterious schooling (9) | CODUNITEA* | Polaris | 0 |