THE END (3, 3)

Started by phenomist

Thy endlessly messy need is fine in Italy (3, 3)

TH(-y) NEED*

Submitted by l_powell

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
1944 Thy endlessly messy need is fine in Italy (3, 3) TH(-y) NEED* l_powell 1
1947 "And they lived happily ever after," you state, holding Cass and Eddy (3,3) THEE+ND (Cass and Eddy are counties in North Dakota) AuLeaf 1
1950 Nurse hiding that man's thirteenth novel (3, 3) TEND ("nurse") hiding HE ("that man") = thirteen novel (in A Series of Unfortunate Events) Sp3000 1
1953 Doors hit hen with energy: after initial twitching, died (3, 3) T + HE(E)N + D = Doors hit (song title) sarathegood 1
1956 Three and two thirds missing words that might take a question mark (3,3) "Three and," two thirds missing = TH_EE_ND prawo 1
1942 He intends partially to finish (3, 3) T(HE) END(-s) l_powell 0
1943 Strange endless Minecraft dimension down by a different Minecraft dimension (3,3) NETHE* + D = THE END ("A different Minecraft dimension") mstang107 0
1946 Other slender cores for a caboose, maybe (3, 3) o(THE)r sl(END)er l_powell 0
1951 Finish in North Dakota after middle-aged you? (3, 3) "Finish"=def
"North Dakota"=ND
"after"=positional indicator
"middle-aged you?"=THEE (Form of "you" from Middle English)
madjaqk 0