CODA (4)

Started by l_powell

Fish for applause at start and end of performance (4)

Fish: COD
applause at start: A_
end of performance: def

Submitted by wolf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
2221 Fish for applause at start and end of performance (4) Fish: COD
applause at start: A_
end of performance: def
wolf 2
2203 Disco dancing, featuring final performance (4) _CO DA_ Polaris 1
2205 Henry leaving for this revolutionary musical performance's conclusion (4) H ("Henry") leaving AD HOC ("for this", literally) backwards = musical performance's conclusion Sp3000 0
2206 One prof's turning tail with a handful of notes (4) [COD+A]<
def: tail (literal English translation of "coda") with a handful of [musical] notes
AuLeaf 0