Started by l_powell

Sexual practice gone bad, grotesquely (7)

BONDAGE* (anagram of GONE BAD)

Submitted by dylanamite

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
2242 Sexual practice gone bad, grotesquely (7) BONDAGE* (anagram of GONE BAD) dylanamite 6
2224 James starts to abuse girl's exhibitionism fetish (7) BOND + A_ G_ E_ = "fetish" edderiofer 5
2258 Fetish making egg from a menstrual pad, slangily (7) B(a->O)NDAGE = "fetish" edderiofer 2
2238 Decorative scallop in grievance chains (7) BON[DAG]E Timwi 1
2246 Tying up's done, with bag in knots (7) anag. of DONE+BAG AuLeaf 1
2227 Serfdom to the good French aged like crazy (7) BON+[*DAGE] wolf 0