Started by phenomist

Stormy rain during a terrible cave conflict (8)

CAVE* around RAIN* = conflict

Submitted by ev3commander

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
2889 Stormy rain during a terrible cave conflict (8) CAVE* around RAIN* = conflict ev3commander 2
2886 Shifting, blasting, changing a note and losing another inconsistency (8) “Shifting” = VARIABLE
“changing a note and losing another” = VARIA(-ti)N(-g+C)E
Timwi 0
2900 "Riptide" singer switches a song for a change (8) VANCE (vance joy) switch A for ARIA quatrevingtneuf 0
2936 At soccer game, review of Italy’s topless boogie argument VAR + I + (-D)ANCE DuckDuckPwn 0