Started by tasthing

Horse on the inside curves around American Pharoah [sic] (8)

_R_(AM.)ESSES / "pharoah" [sic]

Submitted by zonotope

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
2901 Horse on the inside curves around American Pharoah [sic] (8) _R_(AM.)ESSES / "pharoah" [sic] zonotope 2
2895 Egyptian god besmirches name of pharaoh (8) RA+MESSES Polaris 1
2899 Pharaoh's in the middle of some macrame session (8) S in *RAME SES* quatrevingtneuf 1
2902 Rulers hit letters (8) RAM + ESSES
(“Rulers” plural because there was more than one Ramesses; 11 in fact)
Timwi 1
2944 Dodge before turns to mummy? Great! (8) RAM (dodge before) + ESSES (turns) = mummy great DuckDuckPwn 1
2939 Mars sees lousy king (8) MARSSEES* tasthing 0