Started by ev3commander

Spicy Italian guy replaces Italian first entry with Italy's last (5)

Italian Guy: FIERI
Italian first entry: I
Italy's last: Y
Spicy: def for FIER(i->Y)

Submitted by wolf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
2946 Spicy Italian guy replaces Italian first entry with Italy's last (5) Italian Guy: FIERI
Italian first entry: I
Italy's last: Y
Spicy: def for FIER(i->Y)
wolf 2
2957 Cook with boiling oil around; in other words, with lots of heat (5) FRY (cook with boiling oil) around IE (in other words) quatrevingtneuf 2
2972 Impassioned cultivator of marine life doesn't keep quiet (5) FI(-sh)ERY / impassioned zonotope 2
2973 Savagely burn plastic layer in flames (5) FIER(-cel)Y Timwi 1
2976 Intense "Phooey!" when attempt is headed off (5) Phooey = FIE; when attempt is headed off = (-t)RY prawo 1
2947 Even office bread hears signature dance move (5) _F_I_E+"rye" = Signature dance move: (
Note: I know that "ry" in fiery is not pronounced like "rye" the bread. But by itself, Ry (like the name) is a homophone
ev3commander 0
2974 Plant not about missing amount of roasting (5) (-re)FI(-n)ERY Timwi 0
2975 Hot movie without live misery (5) FI(-l)(-m+ERY) Timwi 0