Started by ev3commander

Recover strange, rare lye (7)


Submitted by Timwi

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
2991 Recover strange, rare lye (7) RARELYE* Timwi 1
2994 Transferrer is to arrange things into strata (7) ddef ev3commander 1
2995 One who exchanges earl grey, strangely lacking a note (7) RELAYER(-g)* = One who exchanges dylanamite 1
2996 One who communicates about film (7) RE+LAYER AuLeaf 1
3011 Sender (climbing partner) heads off, begins rappelling at the top (7) sender is the def for relayer, but is also a climbing term for one who makes it to the top of a climb.
BELAYER (climbing partner) - B (heads off) + R (begins rappelling at the top)
quatrevingtneuf 1
2992 Yes album with arrangement of Earl Rye (7) EARLRYE* Timwi 0
2993 Grey alert holds back one in a race (7) _RELA YER_< dylanamite 0