STAN (4)

Started by madjaqk

Superfan that is tanning hides (4)


Submitted by AuLeaf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
3168 Superfan that is tanning hides (4) _STAN_ AuLeaf 5
3166 Separate myself from dirty fan on twitter (4) STA(-i)N = "fan on twitter" Penzo 4
3169 Little Dipper's guardian is one short of the devil? (4) S(-A)TAN
Def: "Little Dipper's guardian" = Grunkle Stan from Gravity Falls
Linus 3
3163 Turner's turned obsessive fanboy, perhaps (4) S'TAN< AuLeaf 2
3170 Excessive fan is one side of a stalemate (4) STANdoff ev3commander 2
3173 Exceptional T. rex specimen - not one blemish (4) STAIN (blemish) - I (not one) = STAN, one of the most complete t.rex specimens ever found quatrevingtneuf 2
3164 First anime conceals support, intensely (4) fir(ST AN)ime l_powell 1
3184 Unfinished R.E.M. song "Laurel" (4) STAN(-d), comedic partner of Oliver Hardy prawo 1
3165 Stance kicks, ends Bruce Lee (4) STAN(-CE) lee summitwei 0
3179 Stalin, after getting rid of upstart Ilyich (Lenin), turned into an obsessive fanboy. (4) Obsessive fanboy: STA__N (getting rid of I, L) LogThatData 0