Started by RainedMirror

Upset dev lead hacked Microsoft (10)

Upset is the definition (which feels okay as a noun but I think it works better as a verb -- to discomfort someone).

Dev lead = D

Hacked microsoft = ISCOMFORT*

Submitted by skaldskaparmal

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
3630 Upset dev lead hacked Microsoft (10) Upset is the definition (which feels okay as a noun but I think it works better as a verb -- to discomfort someone).

Dev lead = D

Hacked microsoft = ISCOMFORT*
skaldskaparmal 2
3619 Gossip about Aussie prime minister grabbing female is a slight pain (10) DI(SCOM(F)O)RT = a slight pain, somewhat. ScoMo is Aus slang for Scott Morrison, the current prime minister. Sp3000 1
3622 70's music and movies beginning to hold feeling of unease (10) DISCO+M_+FORT = "feeling of unease" Penzo 1
3625 Mixing CD-ROMs of it is a bit of a pain (10) /CDROMSOFIT quatrevingtneuf 1
3633 OMFG, atheist in Discord won't stop taunting beginner. Cringe! (10) DISC(OMF(-g)))OR_ + T_ Akumu 1