Started by quatrevingtneuf

Victor started off second grade not eating meat (5)

where "off second grade" = remove B, as in A, B, C, D, F

Submitted by skaldskaparmal

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
3779 Victor started off second grade not eating meat (5) V+(-b)EGAN
where "off second grade" = remove B, as in A, B, C, D, F
skaldskaparmal 2
3783 Star with new type of diet (5) VEGA+N = type of diet Sp3000 2
3785 Manage very stomach-turning diet (5) _NAGE V_< prawo 2
3787 View grain routinely as a healthy diet (5) V_E_ G_A_N = a healthy diet Timwi 2
3788 Gave strange new dietary idea (5) GAVE* + N = dietary idea Timwi 1
3789 Lifestyle that doesn’t upset angry plant-eater (5) VEG(-etari<)AN = plant-eater
(upset angry = IRATE backwards)
Timwi 1