Started by phenomist

Bathroom aboard ship? Bathroom aboard ship? (9)

Bathroom aboard ship? = HEAD
Bathroom = CAN
aboard = ON
ship? = Particular example of HEAD+CAN+ON

Submitted by prawo

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
3786 Bathroom aboard ship? Bathroom aboard ship? (9) Bathroom aboard ship? = HEAD
Bathroom = CAN
aboard = ON
ship? = Particular example of HEAD+CAN+ON
prawo 3
3784 Dance a waltz embraced by sweetheart... only in my imagination (9) Anagram DANCEA (clued by "waltz")
inside sweetheart = HON to get
H(EADCAN*)ON, only in my imagination.
skaldskaparmal 1
3781 Directly able to within personal version of reality (9) CAN (able to) in HEAD-ON (directly) = personal version of reality quatrevingtneuf 0
3782 Once had an unusual fan theory (9) ONCEHADAN* = fan theory Sp3000 0