Started by skaldskaparmal

Robot wanting love hugs us tight (6)

ROB(-o)(US)T = tight

Submitted by skaldskaparmal

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
3852 Robot wanting love hugs us tight (6) ROB(-o)(US)T = tight skaldskaparmal 3
3844 Potent flower eaten by degenerate? (6) R(OB)UST phenomist 2
3838 Powerful comeback or bust (6) RO< + BUST Akumu 1
3842 Strong, refitted turbos (6) ROBUST* Timwi 1
3845 Strong substitution cipher has substituted the substitution (6) substitution cipher: ROT (as in ROT13)
substituted the substitution: BUS<
Strong: def for RO[BUS<]T

ironic because ROT13 is weak af
wolf 0
3849 Having strength to divert sub, oriented backwards to hide inside (6) found backwards in diverT SUB ORiented EpicToast 0