Started by skaldskaparmal

Rifle through Times back issue, Sun's related coverage, and Globe (Mass.) article on Twitch (13)

through Times back issue, Sun's related coverage = through TIMES<, insert AU
Globe = O, Mass. = M, article = A, Twitch = TIC
Rifle = SEMI(AU)T<+O+M+A+TIC

Submitted by prawo

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
4031 Rifle through Times back issue, Sun's related coverage, and Globe (Mass.) article on Twitch (13) through Times back issue, Sun's related coverage = through TIMES<, insert AU
Globe = O, Mass. = M, article = A, Twitch = TIC
Rifle = SEMI(AU)T<+O+M+A+TIC
prawo 1