Started by Sp3000

Catch attention after top of float fell behind (8)

Attention = EAR
float (v.) = HOVER
(-h)OVER(+H) + EAR = catch

Submitted by Timwi

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
4114 Catch attention after top of float fell behind (8) Attention = EAR
float (v.) = HOVER
(-h)OVER(+H) + EAR = catch
Timwi 2
4110 To perceive another's speech from where I am! (8) "over here" Akumu 1
4111 Eavesdrop endlessly to lovers’ make out (8) (-l)OVER(-s) + HEAR (make out)
if this was overhearing it’d be a lot better ok
EpicToast 0
4113 Listen to no backwards priest and find out (8) O + VER< + HEAR
'Listen to' is the definition
No -> O
priest -> Rev., backwards
find out -> Hear
Amaranth 0