
Contests started: None!

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All Submissions

Clue ID Contest Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
9808 CLUE THAT'S ENTIRELY IN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE (ANSWER, DEFINITION, AND CRYPTIC READING) Movimenti affrettati in una via, una strana via (6) Translation (from Italian): Hurried movements in a road, a weird road (6)


def = Hurried movements
a road = VIA
a weird road = VAI*
Amaranth 4
4264 EMBER (5) Ash, and a command he might shout? (5) Ddef, and a pun on Ash from Pokemon Amaranth 2
4266 CIVIL WAR (5, 3) Head of cod with eye, nearly vile and raw goes the wrong way, causing intestine trouble (5, 3) C_+I+VIL(-e)+WAR< = Intestine trouble Amaranth 1
4267 COSMIC RAYS (6, 4) Radiation oddly cooks a Nissan car, terminating mobility and effectiveness (6, 4) C_O_S+MICRA+_Y_S = Radiation Amaranth 1
4272 BENDY (5) Flexible ends of bitterly overwhelming conclusion (5) Flexible = B(END)Y Amaranth 1
4113 OVERHEAR (8) Listen to no backwards priest and find out (8) O + VER< + HEAR
'Listen to' is the definition
No -> O
priest -> Rev., backwards
find out -> Hear
Amaranth 0
4262 FAROE ISLANDS (5, 7) Remote course via phone exists, states country (5, 7) "FAR ROW"+IS+LANDS Amaranth 0
4263 SIDEREAL (8) Traitor to toss in gangster after finishing puzzle to do with stars (8) (-in)SIDER+_E+AL = to do with stars Amaranth 0
4271 BESIDE (6) Occupy to gain second right to drop out in any case (6) B+(-r)ESIDE = in any case Amaranth 0

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