NO (2)

Started by chaotic_iak

Negative objection, primarily!

N_ O_ &lit

Submitted by EpicToast

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
4155 Negative objection, primarily! N_ O_ &lit EpicToast 2
4144 Don't, it's on rewind (2) NO< Timwi 1
4140 Endogenous extract! (2) def: Nitric oxide
wordplay: hidden word
phenomist 0
4141 Regular anion is negative (2) .N.O. quatrevingtneuf 0
4143 Knowledge breeds denial (2) _NO_ Timwi 0
4145 Can one contain rejection? (2) _N O_; def is noun sense of no (e.g. is that a no?) Timwi 0
4154 No, no, no, no! (2) N+(-n)O, &lit. edderiofer 0