PERU (4)

Started by Linus

Country beholden to deeper understanding (4)


Submitted by Timwi

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
4148 Country beholden to deeper understanding (4) _PER U_ Timwi 3
4150 Place of pure madness (4) PURE* Timwi 3
4147 Plutonium covers, let's say, about 1,285,216 km²? (4) P(ER)U Timwi 1
4149 Country holds back nature preserve (4) _P ERU_< Timwi 1
4151 Lost a dime, lost a whole country (4) PER(-d)U Timwi 1
4146 Country outline without electricity (4) Outline = APERCU
Electricity = A.C.
(-a)PER(-c)U = country
Timwi 0