Started by tasthing

50’s person plucking leaf off flower (6)


Submitted by Timwi

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
4452 50’s person plucking leaf off flower (6) B(-l)OOMER Timwi 2
4453 Old guy's room be disorganized (6) (ROOM BE)* Timwi 1
4450 Something that blows up an old person (6) ddef... maybe? Zimonze 0
4451 Mangled ribosome is not of a recent generation (6) R(-i)BO(-s)OME* Timwi 0
4454 Bad smell disorients Rome's OK follower (6) BO+OMER* wolf 0
4456 Matt from "Chuck" takes offense at opportunist (6) Matt BOMER + O(ffense) = "one that joins a rush of settlers to a boom area" prawo 0