TOWER OF HANOI (5, 2, 5)

Started by tasthing

Ow! No! For I hate nonsensical mathematical puzzle (5, 2, 5)

is there even a way to clue this without just a straight anagram

Submitted by Polaris

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
4483 Ow! No! For I hate nonsensical mathematical puzzle (5, 2, 5) OWNOFORIHATE*
is there even a way to clue this without just a straight anagram
Polaris 1
4486 Thanos almost has woe for catastrophic start to intergalactic stacking problem (5, 2, 5) T(OWEROF*)HANO_+I_ = "stacking problem" Polaris 1