Started by sarathegood

Donkey's beginning to tease Donkey's mate (6)

D_+RAG ON (ref. Shrek)

Submitted by AuLeaf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
4497 Donkey's beginning to tease Donkey's mate (6) D_+RAG ON (ref. Shrek) AuLeaf 3
4496 Winged reptilian species seem to last forever (6) DRAG ON AuLeaf 1
4498 This mythical creature is adoring flow, but not current (6) ADORING* - I (current) unclued 1
4499 Type of Pokemon with No Guard, Scratch, U-turn (6) cryptic reading: NOGUARD, scratch U, turn = DRA(-u)GON def. "type of Pokemon" Polaris 1