Started by Sp3000

Japanese singer tops a French man a thousand times between me and you (7, 4)


Submitted by wolf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
4661 Japanese singer tops a French man a thousand times between me and you (7, 4) HATS+UNE+M+I(K)U wolf 6
4660 The kunimasu—fishily—is the author of Harry Potter, according to the internet (7, 4) anagram of "the kunimasu" lydian 5
4664 Japanese singer's poem describing star appearing in regular streams (7,4) Def = Japanese singer
Wordplay = HAIKU around (SUN in regular letters of STREAMS)
Note: I know the clue is clunky I just want to write one OK :/
InvalidD 4
4667 Creator of Minecraft has hate encompassing sun, strikes Libs in haste? Cure with some understanding (7,4) HAT(SUN)E+MI(-l_)K+U_ edderiofer 1
4663 Basho art one's replaced with Hokusai subject one's replaced with first-ever Vocaloid voicebank (7,4) HA(i->TSUN[a->E_]MI)KU

much Japan, so little break, wow
AuLeaf 0