Started by Space_Kalak

Home galaxy tried to cover up symbol of the resistance (5)

*OME GA* = symbol of the resistance (ohms are denoted by uppercase omega)

Submitted by quatrevingtneuf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
4703 Home galaxy tried to cover up symbol of the resistance (5) *OME GA* = symbol of the resistance (ohms are denoted by uppercase omega) quatrevingtneuf 4
4705 Some garbage components for a watch (5) _OME GA_ = a watch Kit 2
4707 The end of the Greek alphabet (initially omicron with missing piece on the left)! (5) &lit; O+M_+_E+G_+A_ mbingo 2
4704 Without limits, famous greek poet initially gabs about last greek letter (5) hOMEr+G.A. = last greek letter (def) lydian 1
4706 Hans’s granny eats, for example, at the end (5) OM(EG)A, for example=EG, Hans’s granny=OMA Firetruck 1
4709 Letter from Ancient Greek found buried in sewage, mostly upended (5) _OM EGA_< AuLeaf 1
4708 Letter from Greece foreshadowing knight fleeing thousand and one (5) Letter from Greece = OME(-n) ("foreshadowing" as a noun, N fleeing) + G ("thousand") + A ("one")
Letter from Greece = SIG(-n) ("foreshadowing" as a noun, N fleeing) + M ("thousand") + A ("one")
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