WHY (3)

Started by skaldskaparmal

Consider donating bit of food for deserving cause (3)

cause = WHY (noun)
Consider = this is a recipe
bit of food = ORT
deserving = W(ORT)HY

Submitted by prawo

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
4757 Consider donating bit of food for deserving cause (3) cause = WHY (noun)
Consider = this is a recipe
bit of food = ORT
deserving = W(ORT)HY
prawo 4
4753 Deserving to lose food scrap, for what reason? (3) W(-ort)HY AuLeaf 3
4754 Endless cry aloud is preschooler’s constant refrain (3) “Whine” - “/n/“ Firetruck 2
4761 Aw, they abolished odd explanations (3) AWTHEY -> _W_H_Y ('abolished odd'), 'explanations' = def AuthorialIntent 1