Started by Firetruck

Massachusetts worker switched from center to right? That's bullshit! (8)

MA+LA(C->R)KEY = "That's bullshit!"

Submitted by mstang107

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
4908 Massachusetts worker switched from center to right? That's bullshit! (8) MA+LA(C->R)KEY = "That's bullshit!" mstang107 4
4897 Nonsense garbage alarm sound (8) MALAR* + KEY = nonsense Timwi 3
4899 Jazz man takes boat admittance (8) MAL(ARK)E + Y = jazz (as in “all that jazz”); Y is symbol for admittance which is reciprocal of impedance Timwi 3
4901 Republican party may leak this stuff around! (8) &lit; /MAYLEAK around R (republican) = they do be spreading some nonsense quatrevingtneuf 2
4905 Mother bird even sexy with applesauce (8) MA+LARK+sExY Firetruck 1