
Contests started: None!

Contests won: None!

All Submissions

Clue ID Contest Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
5715 SIC (3) Primary school instructs class exactly as written (3) S_+I_+C_ = "exactly as written" golden009 3
5655 REALIZE (7) See a confused Ariel use zero English at first (7) *REALI+Z_E_ golden009 2
5710 III (3) "Villain" leader Richard Nixon-second impeached, left americans in middle (3) _I_ + I_ + _I_, def is "'villain' leader Richard
golden009 1
10752 BUNNY (5) New York bread trading jumps and multiplies quickly (5) new york = NY
bread = BUN
trading = swap the two
def = "jumps and multiplies quickly"
golden009 0

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