Contests started: None!
Contests won: UBE (3)
Clue ID | Contest | Clue | Explanation (hover) | Submitted By | Likes |
9273 | UBE (3) | Tuber you should peel! (3) | tUBEr &lit |
FromAtoZany | 3 |
9159 | CLOUDS (6) | Crazy old cuss endlessly emits volumes of gas (6) | Crazy = anagrammed old cuss endlessly = OLD CUSS -S emits = yields volumes of gas = definition |
FromAtoZany | 1 |
9158 | LIAISON (7) | Ms. Janney gambled 50-to-1 via go-between (7) | ALLISON - L + I | FromAtoZany | 0 |
9160 | RABBIT (6) | Topless Saudi (initially bare) in the hopper (6) | Topless = No 1st letter Saudi = ARAB initially = first letters of bare in the = BIT hopper = definition |
FromAtoZany | 0 |
9271 | ERROR (5) | Sin perpetrator saw Satan consumed by the rant, "O, safety!" (5) | Sin = definition Satan = printer's devilry Perpetrator saw Satan; consumed by tERROR, he ran to safety. PD clues often have no definition; in such case, replace "Sin perpetrator" with "He." |
FromAtoZany | 0 |
9272 | CARBON (6) | Scar, bone reveal type of footprint | sCARBONe reveal = concealment type of footprint = CARBON footprint |
FromAtoZany | 0 |