Contests won: None!
Clue ID | Contest | Clue | Explanation (hover) | Submitted By | Likes |
11907 | CLEAT (5) | (5) | -> def frenchkey -> cle @ -> at |
rever91 | 3 |
10871 | HOLST (5) | Classical composer show announcer took the L (5) | Definition: Classical Composer Wordplay: Show announcer (HOST) took the L, HO(L)ST |
rever91 | 2 |
11933 | RIZZ (4) | Romeo undressing Lizzy! (4) | Romeo undressing Lizzy! -> Def Romeo -> R undressing -> removing the ends Lizzy -> _izz_ RIZZ |
rever91 | 2 |
11958 | ANY CLUE THAT USES A TONE TAG (?) | A robe? No I'm OK! /u (6) | A robe? -> Definition /u -> upset -> anagram indicator anagram of No im ok -> Kimono |
rever91 | 2 |
11926 | HENRY (5) | Happy endings surrounding genre's core recent passing (5) | Recent passing -> Definition Happy endings -> H and Y Surrounding -> H__Y Genre's core -> _ENR_ HENRY |
rever91 | 1 |
11939 | BRUH (4) | Breakfast is lacking, no comment! (4) | Breakfast is lacking, no comment -> Def Breakfast -> BRUNCH is lacking -> deletion no comment -> NC BRU(NC)H |
rever91 | 1 |
11945 | EXTRUDE (7) | Do this from inside text, rudely (7) | Do this -> Definition from Inside - > hidden word indicator (T)EXT RUDE(LY) |
rever91 | 1 |
11952 | BALDERDASH (10) | Board game's party around Los Angeles surrounds hesitation in DVD case (10) | Board game -> Definition Party -> BASH around -> BA_SH Los Angeles -> LA -> BALASH surrounds -> BAL_ASH hesitation -> ER in -> _ER_ DVD case -> D_D -> DERD -> BALDERDASH |
rever91 | 1 |
11963 | FOLDEROL (8) | Absurd all around, left and right, and is a pointless idea! (8) | Double def Absurd -> FOOL all around -> FO_OL left and right -> L and R and is -> replace and with the following pointless idea -> idea with no ends -> DE FO(L+DE+R)OL |
rever91 | 1 |
11965 | KRAMPUS (7) | Half mountain animal, half hellish creature, half sea monster, half legendary soothsayer (7) | half mountain animal, half hellish creature -> Definition half sea monster -> KRA(KEN) half legendary soothsayer -> (MELA)MPUS |
rever91 | 1 |
12606 | CONCH (5) | Python secure-shell software made of very large, medium, very small mirror ciphered (5) | very large, medium, very small -> XLMXS mirror ciphered -> apply atbash |
rever91 | 1 |
10876 | TELEPHONE (9) | "What? I had to call the restaurant's clientele; pho never contains the secret thing!" (9) | "What I had, to call" - Definition "The restaurant's clientele; pho never", contains "the secret thing" (answer to this cryptic) - The restaurant's clien(tele; pho ne)ever |
rever91 | 0 |
10880 | TATTOO (6) | A permanent piercing? This also similarly is ache less (6) | Def: A permanent piercing Wordplay: This also similarly -> That too is ache less -> T(h)at too |
rever91 | 0 |
11175 | MARTINI (7) | I'm in art mixing logic genre (7) | I'm in art mixing : anagram of iminart -> Martini logic genre : definition |
rever91 | 0 |
11904 | SLIM (4) | Oddly sold it, my jeans (4) | Oddly -> Take evey odd letter sold it, my -> SoLd It, My jeans -> Def |
rever91 | 0 |
11905 | LOOPS (5) | Angle and ring-ring problems set (5) | Angle and ring-ring problems set -> Definition Angle -> L and -> + Ring-Ring -> O-O problem set -> PS |
rever91 | 0 |
11934 | KEEP GOING (4, 5) | Lancer's dad cut by asleep goat's inner determination motto (4, 5) | Lancer's dad -> King Cut by -> [insertion] asleep goat's inner ->`eep go K-eep go-ing determination motto -> def |
rever91 | 0 |
11953 | CONSOLE (7) | With Spanish single, it's comfort (7) | With Spanish -> CON single -> SOLE CON+SOLE it's comfort -> definition |
rever91 | 0 |
11966 | EIGENLETTER (11) | (8-2)+(10-t)+(a, b or c)=12t->25t (11) | 8-2 ->Eight minus two letters -> EIG 10-t -> EN a, b or c -> LETTER 12t->25t -> Definition |
rever91 | 0 |
11971 | AGOUTI (6) | Machine learning has a french taste, like guinea pig (6) | Machine learning -> AI has a -> containment indicator french taste -> GOUT like guinea pig -> Definition |
rever91 | 0 |
12623 | PERMIT (6) | Let's, uh, hide in a pit (6) | Let: definition uh: erm in a pit: p(erm)it |
rever91 | 0 |