Started by dohz

Fool loses love, embraces older nonsense (8)

loses love = drop one O
embraces = surrounding
nonsense = def

Submitted by dpad

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
11964 Fool loses love, embraces older nonsense (8) FoOL
loses love = drop one O
embraces = surrounding
nonsense = def
dpad 2
11963 Absurd all around, left and right, and is a pointless idea! (8) Double def
Absurd -> FOOL
all around -> FO_OL
left and right -> L and R
and is -> replace and with the following
pointless idea -> idea with no ends -> DE
rever91 1
11961 lord of le random nonsense :3 (8) lordofle anag
:3 not doing aything i just wanted it to be cuter
vi0let 0
11962 Trifle with a place to save files online (8) Trifle = def
Place to save files = FOLDER
online = OL
biocuriousgeorgie 0