Started by EricFox53
Like my parents in quarantine: out of time, distressed about succumbing to fear without family members (15)
anag. INQUARAN(-t)INE around QUA(-kin)G [quaking = succumbing to fear; kin = family members]
Submitted by AuLeaf
Clue ID | Clue | Explanation (hover) | Submitted By | Likes |
6006 | Like my parents in quarantine: out of time, distressed about succumbing to fear without family members (15) | anag. INQUARAN(-t)INE around QUA(-kin)G [quaking = succumbing to fear; kin = family members] | AuLeaf | 1 |
6033 | Naked horse-half pokemon represented in an era of older age (15) | of older age = (-e)QUIN(-e)+QUAG(-sire)+ENARIAN* represented anag. *(IN AN ERA) |
Kit | 1 |
6007 | Quine ran backwards has awkward situation, and I, withholding my initial ire, released an exemplar of older age (15) | QUINE RAN backwards "has awkward situation" = contains QUAGMIRE and I "withholding my initial" = remove M_ "ire released" = remove IRE AN "exemplar of older age" is the definition, since a quinquagenarian embodies older age. QUIN(QUAG(-m_)(-ire))E+(NAR<)+I+AN |
padi | 0 |
6028 | Potential energy in between two charges associated with amber arranged in an era that started in 1971 (15) | (U in) inside "qq"; UAG "amber" stop codon; "in an era" anagrammed Definition: "That started in 1971" |
Cheshire | 0 |