52 (2 OR 5-3)

Started by Cheshire

Namesake for an area, clumsy Tiffany is missing an outwork at its core (5-3)

Namesake for an area = FIFT(-an)Y* + _TWO_

Submitted by lydian

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
7059 Namesake for an area, clumsy Tiffany is missing an outwork at its core (5-3) Namesake for an area = FIFT(-an)Y* + _TWO_ lydian 1
7060 Break off witty figure of speech for pick-up game (5-3) Break off witty = OFFWITTY*
figure of speech for pick-up game = number said with "pick-up" for a game
prawo 1
7058 Untouchable couple going back and forth (2) palindrome…kinda

def = Untouchable (52 is an untouchable number)
couple = 2
going back and forth = 5 and 2 (the digital representation of 2 backwards is 5)
dohz 0
7064 Digital paper against scissors lII (2) 5 fingers for paper against 2 fingers for scissors

52 = LII
jkittykitkat63 0