GO BLIND (2, 5)

Started by bags

Stop seeing monster by foot of bed (2, 5)


Submitted by dohz

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
7269 Stop seeing monster by foot of bed (2, 5) GOBLIN+_D dohz 3
7268 Become unable to see Spooner’s light tie (2, 5) “glow bind” spoonerism dohz 1
7272 Bet without seeing obnoxious bling of dealer, starting to take in nothing (2,5) (G(O)BLIN)D
Defn: Bet without seeing
Madmahogany 1
7271 Too much light makes the baby...suffer ultimately from cataracts. (2,5) Too much light makes the baby...GO BLIND (finishes the title)
Suffer ultimately from cataracts ddef.
Tjm 0