Started by dohz

Regularly stood lookout for disease (6)

StOoD lOoKoUt

Submitted by quatrevingtneuf

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Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
7856 Regularly stood lookout for disease (6) StOoD lOoKoUt quatrevingtneuf 2
7857 Kakarot forgets new guidelines, initially, and contracts "Delta" virus (6) def.: "virus"
wordplay: SON GOKU ("Kakarot") without ("forgets") N ("new") G[uidelines] ("guidelines", "initially"), containing ("and contracts") D (transliteration of Δ, or "delta")
bags 0
7858 Response to a hypocrite, maybe, having potassium affliction (6) def. "affliction"
wordplay: SO DO U ("Response to a hypocrite, maybe") containing ("having") K ("potassium")
Never gettable in a real crossword... but, hey, this isn't a real crossword 🤷‍♀️
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