FOX (3)

Started by SoftFro

Loud bovine mammal (3)

F + OX

Submitted by quatrevingtneuf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
7954 Loud bovine mammal (3) F + OX quatrevingtneuf 2
7942 Animal coughs incredibly loudly (3) COUGHS phonetic anagram /kɑfs/* -> /fɑks/ Firetruck 0
7943 Single fighter by 20XX, essentially? (3) &lit
def.: In Super Smash Bros. Melee, there is a meme saying that the character Fox will be the only competitively played character by the year 20XX.
wordplay: F ("single" (just one) "fighter": in designations of US aircraft types (ex. the F117 Stealth fighter)) next to ("by") 0X ("20XX", "essentially"). F0X looks like FOX when written in the grid.
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