Started by AuthorialIntent

Platform supporting a certain weight? (7)


Submitted by AuthorialIntent

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
8081 Platform supporting a certain weight? (7) PRO GRAM AuthorialIntent 5
8088 Genesis-style animal that may be executed (7) PROG + RAM (Genesis-style = prog like tha band, animal=ram) Firetruck 1
8102 Friends, maybe, holding a pleasing image of elderly relative (7) def. "Friends, maybe": Friends is a popular TV program
wordplay: PR ("holding a pleasing image": sustaining a pleasing public image = public relations) O ("of") GRAM ("elderly relative": north american term for grandma)
bags 1
8082 Public relations ogre defeated by morning meeting (7) PR + OGR-e (De-fe(a/e)t-ed) + AM

Meeting (def)
Koala 0
8083 Confused gramp or script (7) Confused gramp or = anagram of "PROGRAM", indicated by "Confused"
def = "script"
GhostSalt 0