Started by WoomyRogue

Appetizer is bottomless cut of beef without tail (6)

PRIME R(-ib)

Submitted by theduckmedic

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
8243 Appetizer is bottomless cut of beef without tail (6) PRIME R(-ib) theduckmedic 4
8240 Paint is less like a composite? (6) Ddef (punny def for primer, like a number," woth fewer factors, and a base coat for paint) Firetruck 3
8248 A coating quickly stopping rust, I am (6) &lit
PER ("A", as in 'one meal a person') going around ("coating") R[ust] ("quickly stopping", "rust") I'M ("I am")
bags 1
8242 First layer revealed in scarp rim erosion (6) defn: first layer (as in paint)
wp: in scarP RIM ERosion
Wriggler831 0
8244 Pre-rim scrambling makes for an incredibly confusing story (6) PRERIM*

def is the 2004 time-travel movie; I really want to do an &lit for this but I'm not sure of a good anagram to use there
calica 0
8255 Something repetitive created over central component of PCR? (6) &lit
something repetitive: RIME
P(c -> RIME)R
def: primers are central components of PCR that creates a DNA sequence, which is often very repetitive
wolf 0