Started by Marnix

Flying creature is aground, disoriented after up-chucking (6)


Submitted by dohz

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
8342 Flying creature is aground, disoriented after up-chucking (6) DRAGON(-u)* dohz 3
8347 Start to deafeningly complain about monster (6) def. "monster"
wordplay: D[eafeningly] ("Start to" "deafeningly") RAG ON ("complain about")
bags 2
8339 Organ donor’s unique molecules developing lung, for one (6) “Organ donor” reverse letter bank

def = lung, for one, as in the chinese dragon
dohz 1
8355 Academic back with new constellation (6) DR+AGO+N = constellation Timwi 1
8337 Beowulf's enemy seems to be a bit of a snoozer (6) "DRAG ON" homophone/homograph? there was a dragon slain by Beowulf calica 0
8344 Bruce Lee to wear engrossing newspaper (6) Def: Bruce Lee (nicknamed The Dragon)
DON=wear, engrossing = containment indicator, newspaper=RAG
Firetruck 0