Started by WoomyRogue

Where to put perfume seal back on (6)

Def.: Where to put perfume
“calf” is the young of a seal (among other animals)

Submitted by Timwi

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
8490 Where to put perfume seal back on (6) Def.: Where to put perfume
“calf” is the young of a seal (among other animals)
Timwi 2
8493 Florida man's naked, accepting company for a fancy bottle (6) def: a fancy bottle

Florida = FL
man's naked = (-m)AN(-s)
company = CO
noneuclidean 1
8488 Bizarre falcon bottle (6) :-p
Timwi 0
8489 Bottle of Clan Queer (6) :-p
Timwi 0
8491 Eeveelution note: for middling grade, use perfume bottle (6) FLAREON (Eeveelution)
Swap RE (note) for C (Middling grade)
DcWithFiveOnes 0
8519 Half deserted? Fire the next three to switch sides for a bottle! (6) Half-deserted fire = CONFLAgration
The next three to switch sides = CON<->FLA = FLACON
for = connector
A bottle = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0