Started by theduckmedic

Having a meal without referring to Gilligan's TV show (8, 3)

(Breaking Bad is created by showrunner Vince Gilligan)

Submitted by theduckmedic

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
8516 Having a meal without referring to Gilligan's TV show (8, 3) BREAKING B(-re)AD
(Breaking Bad is created by showrunner Vince Gilligan)
theduckmedic 2
8537 TV show robbery gone wrong: one killed (8,3) def: TV show
robbery = BREAK-IN
gone = GONE
wrong = BAD
one killed = (-one)
noneuclidean 2
8517 Cooking sourdough, moving about, and turning evil (8, 3) BAKING BREAD with the RE moved around theduckmedic 1
8558 Show about skipping eating (8, 3) def. "Show"
wordplay: RE absent from ("about" "skipping": 'skipping' as in skipping a class) BREAKING BREAD ("eating")
interestingly, if you remove the other RE instead, you get BAKING BREAD which is also a sensible phrase
bags 1
8523 Dab cryptically for a TV show? (8,3) Reverse clue:
BREAKING BAD = anagram of BAD = DAB

def: a TV show
noneuclidean 0