TE AMO (2, 3)

Started by AuthorialIntent

Something said in Madrid to companions with a ring? (2,3)

TEAM (companions) + O (a ring)
Def: sort of the whole thing, but for you nitpicker people, "something said in Madrid" can be the definition

Submitted by Firetruck

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
8729 Something said in Madrid to companions with a ring? (2,3) TEAM (companions) + O (a ring)
Def: sort of the whole thing, but for you nitpicker people, "something said in Madrid" can be the definition
Firetruck 5
8737 Romantic confession short while after drink (2, 3) def. "Romantic confession"
wordplay: MO ("short while": i.e. 'in a mo') after TEA ("drink")
bags 5
8732 Make love with mate in Spain to say "I love you" (2 3) [O (love, as in tennis) + MATE]* ("make")

def = in Spain to say "I love you"
rpl 1
8762 Rihanna song about following heart to wrong team? (2, 3) semi-&lit: "Te Amo" is basically about a girl who falls for a straight girl
Following (heart to wrong), team = TEAM + O
(Tried to clean it up a little but am too sleepy to do better)
biocuriousgeorgie 0