Started by dohz

New employee concealing wrong way to be out of control (7)

new employee = HIRE
concealing = containing
wrong way = anagram of WAY
to be = link
out of control = def

Submitted by Tortoise

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
9091 New employee concealing wrong way to be out of control (7) new employee = HIRE
concealing = containing
wrong way = anagram of WAY
to be = link
out of control = def
Tortoise 2
9096 "Straw" (with anger) "all yellow in Wordle!" (7) Straw(HAY) with(W) anger(IRE) [all yellow in Wordle](yellow letters in wordle mean they're in the wrong place) dpad 1
9092 "Why I are out of order?" (7) &lit - a robot asking itself a question like this suggests it has gone haywire

out of order - anagram
Botaku 0