Started by Space_Kalak

Recap: Italy includes Rome, say (7)

includes - hidden word
Rome, say - def

Submitted by Botaku

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
9209 Recap: Italy includes Rome, say (7) reCAP ITALy
includes - hidden word
Rome, say - def
Botaku 4
9211 Upper case, and it is in the starts of paragraphs and letters (7) Upper case, and it is in the starts of paragraphs and letters (def:)
Upper case : CAse
and: addition
IT is in: -IT-
The starts of: first letters
Paragraph And Letters:PAL
Rever 2
9215 Excellent bread in California (7) def. "Excellent"
wordplay: PITA ("bread") in CAL ("California": abbrv.)
bags 2
9223 Ripken munches on bread with hockey player. (7) Ripken(CAL) munches on{contains} bread(PITA) with [hockey player]. dpad 2