Started by dohz

Make something unnecessary and above it all wrong (7)


Make something unnecessary = def
all wrong = anagram indicator

Submitted by dohz

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
9228 Make something unnecessary and above it all wrong (7) OBVIATE*

Make something unnecessary = def
all wrong = anagram indicator
dohz 4
9225 Anticipate lithium-free memory charm. (7) [Anticipate] lithium-free(-LI) memory charm(OBliVIATE). dpad 1
9216 Obviously, I had shut down (7) def. "shut down" (transitive)
wordplay: OBV ("Obviously": abbrv.) I ATE ("I had": i.e. 'I had a meal')
bags 0
9219 Demob via terrorism secures goal? (7) Demob via terrorism secures goal: def.
"Demob via terrorism" secures goal
Goal is what we want, here the word
"demOB VIA TErrorism"
Rever 0
9220 Get around via bote (I spelled that wrong) (7) def. "Get around"
wordplay: VIA BOTE anagram ("I spelled that wrong")
it's supposed to say "via boat" but i spelled it wrong
bags 0