Started by dohz

Estow a enediction, like this? (5)

"B-less" version of def "bestow a benediction"

Submitted by Tortoise

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
9365 Estow a enediction, like this? (5) "B-less" version of def "bestow a benediction" Tortoise 3
9372 Ballets as odd praise. (5) BaLlEtS aS
odd - odd letters
praise - def
dpad 1
9367 Get word from Pope, say, that Lim scratched out once arms and legs torn off (5) Get word from Pope, say - def
that - link
Lim scratched out - LIM deleted
once - link (i.e. once you have the word LIMBLESS, LIM is deleted)
arms and legs torn off - LIMBLESS

(Can you tell I'm annoyed at how long it took me to figure out Lim's fate in Obra Dinn?)
Botaku 0