Started by jatloe12345

Sat in confusion during first half; murderer was the Colonel (7)

in confusion - anagram
(SAT)* - STA
during - container
first half murderer - MURD
was - link
the Colonel - def (Colonel Mustard from Cluedo/Clue)

Submitted by Botaku

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
9382 Sat in confusion during first half; murderer was the Colonel (7) in confusion - anagram
(SAT)* - STA
during - container
first half murderer - MURD
was - link
the Colonel - def (Colonel Mustard from Cluedo/Clue)
Botaku 2
9386 Some rodents in junkyard just about turning yellow (7) def. "yellow"
wordplay: RATS ("Some rodents") in DUM[p] ("junkyard", "just about") reversed ("turning")
bags 1
9385 Relish Zappy and friends rolling in mud. (7) Relish - definition
Zappy and friends - RATS
rolling - flip
in - contained
mud - MUD
dpad 0