Started by WoomyRogue

The break-in's about... about a famous musician? (6)

The break-in's - def
about - {around}
about - RE
a famous musician - BACH

Submitted by dpad

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
9433 The break-in's about... about a famous musician? (6) The break-in's - def
about - {around}
about - RE
a famous musician - BACH
dpad 1
9423 Chasm within sombre Achilles (6) chasm - def
within - hidden word
somBRE ACHilles
Botaku 0
9427 Run into bank opening (6) B(R)EACH dohz 0
9431 A new line per infraction (6) A new line = BR (as in the html code for line break)
Per = each
Infraction = def
biocuriousgeorgie 0