Started by phenomist

Perform menial tasks for nothing at all, endlessly (6)

perform menial tasks - def
for - link
nothing at all - JACK-ALL
endlessly - delete last letter

Submitted by Botaku

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
9557 Perform menial tasks for nothing at all, endlessly (6) perform menial tasks - def
for - link
nothing at all - JACK-ALL
endlessly - delete last letter
Botaku 4
9553 The assassin of Forsyth, Kerouac, and Gore (6) "The" assassin of Forsyth = def
Kerouac and Gore = JACK + AL
biocuriousgeorgie 3
9546 Sweet-talk the reverend's wild dog. (6) Sweet-talk - CAJOLE
the reverend's - spoonerism
wild dog - definition
dpad 2
9563 Donkey: a large animal (6) def. "animal"
wordplay: JACK ("Donkey": a male donkey, specifically) + A L ("a large")
bags 2